I'm very new at this, in fact this is my first Dojo attempt. I'm trying to get data from a website with:
<script type="text/javascript">
//How are we supposed to know what else to include in the dojo thing? like query?
url: "http://www.scrapbookingsuppliesrus.com/catalog/layout", //who knows how to set relative urls?
handleAs: "json", //get json data from server
load: function(response, ioArgs){
console.log(response); //helps with the debugging
return response; //that way goods should be a very large array of the data we want
error: function(response, ioArgs){
console.log("nope didn't make it", response+' '+ioArgs); //helps with the debugging
return response; //who knows what this does
} //last item, thus no extra comma
But nothing happens. While I'm at it, what exactly is the response and ioArgs variables. They're supposed to magically be the response to the request that I guess is specially defined already. But, who knows. Further, I figured after every attempt it would trigger something in load or error, but alas. There used to be an error that I was going to a prohibited uri, but then firebug would reference a very large dojo script where it was impossible to tell why it was broken. What environment are the rest of you developing on?