


+4  A: 

This would be done pretty easily with jQuery:

var newTextVal = "";
       newTextVal += $(this).text();
 $('textarea').val( newTextVal );

This above will loop through each element with class "text1" and append it's text node value to the text within the textarea.

Kevin Peno
That looks like it could be improved. I would suggest storing the value in a string or array of strings and setting the textarea value only at the end rather than reassigning it each time round the loop.
Tim Down
Absolutely agree. I've updated to suit :)
Kevin Peno

I'd suggest using the "id" attribute for the divs instead of class. Anyhow, I'll knock something up if I get home and you haven't figured it out. Basically, you would need to write a JavaScript function that uses GetElementById() or GetElementByObject().

Then define a button that calls that function passing it the id of the div and the id of the textarea. Finally, set the textarea object's value to the div object's value.

EDIT: Here's the function.

<script type="text/javascript">
function copyValues(idFrom, idTo) {
    var objFrom = document.getElementById(idFrom);
    var objTo = document.getElementById(idTo);

    objTo.value = objFrom.value

On the event you want it triggered:

copyValues("div1", "textarea1");
copyValues("div2", "textarea2");
copyValues("div3", "textarea3");
That would mean a new call to copyValues for every div on the page you wanted to do this with. That could get out of hand fast.
Kevin Peno
+2  A: 

If you're looking for pure javascript this would work - though things like this are very easily handled in frameworks like jQuery:

<html xmlns="" >
    <title>Untitled Page</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">

        function CopyDivsToTextArea()
            var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
            var textToTransfer = "";
            var pattern = new RegExp("test1");

           for(var i=0;i<divs.length;i++)
                   textToTransfer += (divs[i].innerText || divs[i].textContent);
         document.getElementById("ta").value = textToTransfer;

<div class="test1" > Example1 </div >
<div class="test2" > Example2 </div >
<div class="test1" > Example3 </div >
<div class="test3" > Example4 </div >
<br />
<textarea id="ta" cols="50" rows="20"></textarea>
<br />
<input type="button" id="btn" value="Button" onclick="CopyDivsToTextArea();" />
I like the lack of reliance on a library, but there's a brittleness with the `if(divs[i].className == "test1")` line: elements can have multiple CSS classes, so you should test for that with a regular expression or equivalent instead of the simple equality comparison. Also, innerHTML is probably the wrong choice, since you could end up with unwanted HTML mark-up in the textarea. You could use `innerText` / `textContent` instead: `textToTransfer += (divs[i].innerText || divs[i].textContent);`. `innerText` and `textContent` are not quite equivalent but it may be good enough.
Tim Down
good points Tim, updated the example - just something I threw together, not 100% vetted for all scenarios. Thanks!
+1 for elegancy and no library requirement :)
Kevin Peno

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