Sorry for the long question title.
I guess I'm on to a loser on this one but on the off chance.
Is it possible to make the calculation of a calculated field in a table the result of an aggregate function applied to a field in another table.
You have a table called 'mug', this has a child called 'color' (which makes my UK head hurt but the vendor is from the US, what you going to do?) and this, in turn, has a child called 'size'. Each table has a field called sold.
The size.sold increments by 1 for every mug of a particular colour and size sold.
You want color.sold to be an aggregate of SUM size.sold WHERE size.colorid = color.colorid
You want mug.sold to be an aggregate of SUM color.sold WHERE color.mugid = mug.mugid
Is there anyway to make mug.sold and color.sold just work themselves out or am I going to have to go mucking about with triggers?