I'm having trouble re-writing the following SQL as LinqToSQL:
SELECT Sum(p.Impressions) as Impressions, Sum(p.Revenue) as Revenue,
s.SiteUrl, u.UserName
From PerformanceData p, Sites s, Users u
where s.SiteID = p.SiteID
and s.UserID = u.UserID
and p.[Date] > @Start and p.[Date] < @End
Group By p.SiteID, s.SiteUrl, u.UserName
I've used something like this:
var matches = (from performanceData in m_Context.PerformanceDatas
join sites in m_Context.Sites on
performanceData.SiteID equals sites.SiteID
join users in m_Context.Users on
sites.UserID equals users.UserID
where performanceData.Date > start
&& performanceData.Date < end
group performanceData by performanceData.SiteID into result
select new
Impressions = result.Sum(a => a.Impressions),
Revenue = result.Sum(a => a.Revenue),
SiteUrl = result.Key
The problem is that the only non-aggregate value available in the result object is "Key" and there are multiple non-aggregated values I want returned from the Sites and Users tables.