Much like it's possible to geotag pictures, I wonder if there is a way to automatically geolocate the code associated with a commit - or any changes - in a version control system like SVN?
I couldn't find any information about this and I don't know if for example SVN stores the IP address used by the committers, which in most situations would be enough to differentiate the different places the changes were made from.
Even in a situation where I use a repository on my own I would find it useful to know which portions of code were written at home, which at the office and which while traveling. That way one could maybe make some statistics about their performance depending on where they are.
So do you know any tool or plugin that lets one do that?
Using a different user account for each location wouldn't be a satisfactory solution, I'm really looking for something that would store the IP or use whatever other technique there might be to locate a user at the time he/she's doing changes.