Hi. I have a package with "logic" classes(like CheckAuthenticationDataLogic.java, GetVocabulariesLogic.java). And another class - ApiService.java is used to generate wsdl. ApiService.java is full of methods like this:
* Check authentication data.
* @param contractNumber - number of contract.
* @param msisdn - msisdn.
* @param superPassword - super password.
* @return result of authentication.
@WebResult(name = "result")
public CheckAuthenticationDataResult checkAuthenticationData(@WebParam(name = "contractNumber")
final String contractNumber,
@WebParam(name = "msisdn")
final String msisdn,
@WebParam(name = "superPassword")
final String superPassword) {
return runLogic(new CheckAuthenticationDataLogic(contractNumber, msisdn, superPassword));
As you see it's just a proxy methods... So i want to avoid doing same work twice and generate WSDL right from logic classes without writing ApiService.java. Any tool or library for this purpose exists ?