



Is there a script that I can run that will setup my %INCLUDE% environment variable?

I'm running PC-lint and it can't find my include header files. I went through the documentation and it appears that I need to setup the %INCLUDE% environment variable. I was wondering if there's an easy way to do it.

+1  A: 

Visual Studio comes with a VCVARS32 (it might be renamed by now) batch file in its directory that will set all of these environment variables for you, and give you a shell with them set. It has a start menu entry, if you installed normally -- or maybe it came with the Platform SDK? It's been a while.

From the Microsoft documentation on the subject:

To run vcvars32.bat

  1. At the command prompt, change to the \bin subdirectory of your Visual C++ installation.

  2. Run vcvars32.bat by typing VCVARS32.

Barring that, you can permanently set your environment variables (per-system or per-user) in Control Panel, under System.

Jed Smith
right, and that's what I want to do is to set it I was hoping that by running vcvars32 it would enter them into the environment vars under system
No, it won't. You'd have to do that yourself.
Jed Smith