



I want to take requests for missing files in a specific folder and redirect them to program.php in that folder.

This is a program I will use a lot in different places, and I would prefer to avoid specifying the name of the folder in the htaccess file.

I have tried just putting:

errordocument 404 program.php

but the result is that the browser just prints out "program.php" and doesn't execute program.php.

I understand why this is happening: based on the documentation at, url's that don't begin with a slash or http are interpreted as a text message.

The question is how to get around this limitation to be able to access the same folder.


Have you tried a (relative or absolute) path? If you make it relative, it should be to the web root, which might server your purpose.

ErrorDocument 404 /program.php
See my comment for the other answer.
Andrew Swift
+1  A: 

You want:

ErrorDocument 404 /program.php

According to the docs, "URLs can begin with a slash (/) for local web-paths (relative to the DocumentRoot)."

Using /program.php won't work because the program is in /somefolder/program.php, and I can't predict the name of "somefolder". The .htaccess file is in "somefolder" along with program.php.
Andrew Swift

If you have only a small number of folders, you can probably use:

<Directory /path/a>
   ErrorDocument 404 /a/program.php
<Directory /path/b>
   ErrorDocument 404 /b/program.php
<Directory /path/c>
   ErrorDocument 404 /c/program.php

If that is impractical, then you should only have one program.php in the root and have it respond differently depending on the contents of the REDIRECT_URL environment variable, which is $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] in php.

+1  A: 

I ended up using rewriterule instead of errordocument:

rewriteengine on
rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f
rewriterule ^(.+).jpg$ program.php?i=$1.jpg [L]

The second line verifies that the file does not exist, so that existing images will be shown correctly.

Andrew Swift
The problem with this is that it will not return a 404 status code, so search engines and link checker tools etc. will not know that they have reached a page that shouldn't exist.
Note that this solution isn’t logged as a 404 by your webserver.
In fact, that is the preferred action. I will be creating thumbnail images on the fly, and I want it to show up correctly the first time even though it will be a php script creating the image.
Andrew Swift

Why not have one ErrorDocument handle all the errors in all the folders? Might be much cleaner that way. You could then handle the individual case using $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] which should contain the original request if I remember correctly.

The problem is that this is a program that I want to use in lots of places, and I don't want to modify the structure of the whole site each time. I really want to get it to work in an isolated folder, without affecting what's outside.
Andrew Swift

How about this. In your root path, you set up a generic error.php file. However, all it does is parse the REQUEST_URI, check the path, see whether there is a custom error.php there, and include that. Could work, huh?
