




I'm using Powershell to talk to the Windows 7 task scheduler service via COM through the Task Scheduler 2.0 interfaces (e.g. ITaskDefinition). I want to pull out a particular trigger from the Triggers collection on ITaskDefinition. It appears that the proper way to extract a particular trigger is through the Item property, which is an indexed property.

My first try looks something like this:

$sched = New-Object -Com "Schedule.Service"
$folder = $sched.GetFolder('\')
$task = $folder.GetTask("some task")
$triggers = $task.Definition.Triggers
$trigger = $triggers[0]

However, the last line fails with this message:

Unable to index into an object of type System.__ComObject.

I've tried some other variations on this theme, e.g. $triggers.Item(0), all with no luck. I'm guessing this has to do with $trigger being a COM object, because I think indexed properties work fine on other types.

Does anyone know the correct way to do this?

+3  A: 

On my system, it looks like there is only one trigger being returned for some tasks. You might try forcing it to return in an array.

$sched = New-Object -Com "Schedule.Service"
$folder = $sched.GetFolder('\')
$task = $folder.GetTask("some task")
$triggers = @($task.Definition.Triggers)
$trigger = $triggers[0]
Dustin Venegas
Cool, this seems like a good workaround. I'm hoping someone will know how to do it "properly", but this will get me going for now.
+2  A: 

Item does work. You have to use Item() instead of Item[] and indices are 1-based.

$sched = New-Object -Com "Schedule.Service"
$folder = $sched.GetFolder('\')
$task = $folder.GetTask("Update Bin Dir")
$triggers = $task.Definition.Triggers

Type               : 2
Id                 : 67a9fad4-462f-43d9-ab71-6e9b781966e6
Repetition         : System.__ComObject
ExecutionTimeLimit : 
StartBoundary      : 2007-07-02T05:30:00
EndBoundary        : 
Enabled            : True
DaysInterval       : 1
RandomDelay        :

Using an enumerator also works if you don't need to access by index:

foreach ($trigger in $triggers) { $trigger }
Keith Hill
Thanks, this seems to work also. Still hoping someone knows of a more direct way, though.
Yeah this is bugging me now. :-)
Keith Hill
You know, along this same note the following seems to work:foreach($trigger in $task.Definition.Triggers) {$trigger}
Dustin Venegas
Right, the enumeration is clearly working fine.
Very nice; that's what I get for not reading the docs closely enough. Thanks for the effort in tracking this down.
Been doing .NET for so long, the 1-based index thing stumped me for a while. Thanks to x0n for help on that aspect of the problem.
Keith Hill