I am writing a program to read files and search text in it. I have written the first initial steps. In the below given code you can see a symbol ** -- **. This where I want to pass member variable value of Class [CurrentFile].
Please also suggest what improvements I can do in this code.
class CurrentFile
attr_accessor :currentFileName, :currentFileContent
class OpenFile < CurrentFile
def OpenFileToRead() #Open file as read-only.
thisFile = File.open(** ----- **, 'r')
counter = 1
file = File.new(thisFile, "r")
while (line = file.gets)
puts "#{counter}: #{line}"
counter = counter + 1
rescue => err
puts "Exception: #{err}"
end #End of Begin block
end #End of OpenFileToRead
end #End of Class: OpenFile
fileToRead = CurrentFile.new #Create instance of CurrentFile Class
fileToRead.currentFileName = "C:\WorkSpace\SearchText\abc.php" #Set file name to read
myFile = OpenFile.new #Create instance of OpenFile Class