



I'm having a very strange bug in Flex Builder where none of the changes I make are appearing when I debug/run my program. It only happens with a particular AS3 project, on others, it works fine.

For example, I have a line,var x:int = this.prevX + this.x;, whose value is 400 if I don't make any changes. I change the line to var x:int = 0; and set a breakpoint on the line. When I debug the program, it breakpoints just where it should, but the value is set to 400, even when the line is x = 0! What gives!

I've tried cleaning the project and deleting the project and re-importing it. No matter what I do, it won't show any changes I make, even if I just toggle a boolean. It still won't let me compile with errors, but once its done compiling, it completely ignore whatever changes I made. It's like it has the bytecode for the swf cached somewhere and its just ignoring doing the actual build step.

Any ideas?

+2  A: 

Check if you have a copy of the swf in the html-template folder. The newly compiled swf will be overwritten by that old one after each build. Happened to me once.

Markus Johnsson
Yes! I deleted the html-template folder and let it recreate and it works fine. You solved hours of struggle, thanks :)

Lots of people sure love digging into Microsoft. I was at a conference once where a guy kind of commented to me sideways, "I bet you would use anything the Borg gave you. I bet you love Visual Studio too."

Well, actually, yes. But, I also love Eclipse. This is why, when a project came up I figured it would be nice to work in Flex Builder 3. The number of weird things that have happened have made this journey painful.

I just had this happen to me and lost hours of development time. The "workspace" concept is clunky and doesn't travel well between computers (like on a thumbdrive), which can easily do with Visual Studio and it's collection of user and settings files.


Thanks for putting up the response though, Markus!

If anyone is interested in the Flex to Visual Studio tool, it can be found here:

Ian Patrick Hughes