




I'm making a right toolbar with different buttons on it. When i rollover it, it slides inside the view and when i rollout it slides out of the view almost 90%. each button on it also has some rollOver/Out event listeners. Problem is, when i rollover on any button, then the rollout event of the container(toolbar) get dispatched and toolbar hides itself.

Is there any way to keep hide/showing on rollover/rollout the toolbar, and also justify with buttons over the toolbar?



If I had this problem in Flash I listened to MouseMoved event and checked the x and y of the mouse. If you use this technique for your toolbar, you can go ahead and use the RollOver/Out for the buttons. But maybe you can solve it easier in Flex which I don't know of.

Here's your solution I think, with the mouseChildren property.

Lieven Cardoen
thanks, i also did it using mouseX-MouseY position calculation, but i want to confirm if it is the best way to do that. and i think it is :)
+3  A: 

If you're trying to stop an EventListener from being called (and it seems like that is your issue), the easiest way is to call


You may have to couple it with adding a priority parameter to addEventListener:

                                                        // capture
target.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler, false, 1000 );
                                                                // priority

The trick is to make sure that you have the MenuButtons use a higher priority than the Menu itself, that way you can prevent the Menu from listening to the Menu Buttons.

Christopher W. Allen-Poole
I don't think that's his question.
Lieven Cardoen
I'm not sure if it is his question, but I think that it is the root of the problem he is trying to solve.
Christopher W. Allen-Poole
Thanks Christopher :)