



I'm writing a form using Zend_Dojo_Form.

Everything goes fine, unless I dynamically insert elements into the form (using ajax, the user can add more elements by clicking a [+] button).

I managed to insert my new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_FilteringSelect into the page, but the element isn't dojo-enabled (no auto-completion, or tundra styling).

I'm guessing dojo transforms existing form elements once the page is loaded the first time, and doesn't parse them again when a new node is added... But I can't find how to tell dojo there's new elements in town.

What I've tried:

  • Executing dojo.parser.parse(); or dojo.parser.parse('id_of_new_element'); after the insertion of a new element
  • Adding Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_Dojo::setUseDeclarative(); in my Dojo_Form's init() method (as seen on nabble's forums)

My method for adding new elements is the one described by Jeremy Kendall.

I don't know if my problem comes from an incompatibility with Zend, Dojo, or if I'm missing something...


Here is an (old) link to an article about dojo.parser. It suggests what you already did: calling dojo.parser.parse(id_of_new_element). Without seeing your page it is difficult to pinpoint the error, but I could imagine that you'd also have to dojo.require() the appropriate modules for dojo to be able to enable the new form elements.
