I'm trying to upload a huge file from my Nokia N95 mobile to my webserver using Pys60 python code. However the code crashes because I'm trying to load the file into memory and trying to post to a HTTP url. Any idea how to upload huge files > 120 MB to webserver using Pys60.
Following is the code I use to send the HTTP request.
f = open(soundpath + audio_filename)
fields = [('timestamp', str(audio_start_time)), ('test_id', str(test_id)), ('tester_name', tester_name), ('sensor_position', str(sensor_position)), ('sensor', 'audio') ]
files = [('data', audio_filename, f.read())]
post_multipart(MOBILE_CONTEXT_HOST, MOBILE_CONTEXT_SERVER_PORT, '/MobileContext/AudioServlet', fields, files)