I once wrote a JavaScript OOP library with support for type-safe overloadable methods with default parameters and paramarrays, properties, events, enums, true inheritance with virtual methods, non-virtual base-method calls in complex inheritance trees, generic classes and methods, and more.
However, it had so much overhead (at runtime and in source) that it's not worth using.
Here are some examples:
jsObject.createFunction("doIt", "int a, String b='default'", function(a,b) { return [a, b]; }),
///<reference path="jsObject.IntelliSense.js"/>\
var jsTest = {
TestResults : jsObject.createClass(
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("jsTest.TestResults", function() {
this.successCount = 0;
this.failureCount = 0;
this.tests = [];
}), {
events : "testBegun, itemLogged, testFailed, testCompleted, testsCompleted"
TestingContext : jsObject.createClass(
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("jsTest.TestingContext", "string name", function(name) {
this.tests = new jsTest.TestCollection(this)
}), {
toString : function() { return "[TestingContext " + this.name() + "]"; },
methods : [
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("runTests", "jsTest.TestResults results = new jsTest.TestResults()", function(results) {
results.context = this;
for(var i = 0; i < this.tests.length; i++) {
return results;
properties : "string name"
Test : jsObject.createClass(
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("jsTest.Test", "string group, string name, function testFunction, string description = ''", function(group, name, testFunction, description) {
}), {
toString : function() { return "[Test " + (this.context ? this.context.name() + "." : "") + this.group() + "/" + this.name() + "]"; },
methods : [
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("run", "jsTest.TestResults results = new jsTest.TestResults()", function(results) {
var retVal = new jsTest.TestResult(this);
results.testBegun(this, retVal);
retVal.begun = new Date;
try {
retVal.finished = new Date;
} catch(ex) {
retVal.finished = new Date;
if(ex !== jsTest.testAbort)
retVal.log(jsTest.LogLevel.error, "Unexpected exception: " + jsObject.toDebugString(ex));
retVal.succeeded = false;
retVal.duration = retVal.finished.valueOf() - retVal.begun.valueOf();
else {
results.testFailed(this, retVal);
results.testCompleted(this, retVal);
return retVal;
properties : "string group, string name, function testFunction, string description",
events : "testBegun, testFailed, testCompleted"
TestCollection : jsObject.createClass(
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("jsTest.TestCollection : jsObject.Collection<jsTest.Test>", "jsTest.TestingContext context", function(context, base) {
base(context.toString() + ".tests");
this.context = context;
}), {
methods : [
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("add", "string group, string name, function testFunction", function(group, name, testFunction, base) {
var retVal = new jsTest.Test(group, name, testFunction);
return retVal;
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("onItemAdded", "$T item, int index", function(item, index, base) {
item.context = this.context;
base.onItemAdded(item, index);
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("onItemRemoved", "$T item, int index", function(item, index, base) {
delete item.context;
base.onItemRemoved(item, index);
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("onClearing", function(base) {
for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
delete this[i].context;
testAbort : { toString: function() { return "[jsTest.testAbort]"; } },
LogLevel : jsObject.createEnum("jsTest.LogLevel", "success, info, warning, error"),
TestResult : jsObject.createClass(
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("jsTest.TestResult", "jsTest.Test test", function(test) {
this.test = test;
this.logItems = [];
this.succeeded = true;
}), {
toString : function() { return "[Result of " + this.test.toString() + " - " + (this.succeeded ? "Success" : "Failure") + "\r\n" + this.logItems.join("\r\n"); },
methods : [
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("log", [
[ "string message", function(message) { this.log(jsTest.LogLevel.info, message); } ],
[ "string level, string message", function(level, message) { this.log({ level: jsTest.LogLevel[level], message: message }); } ],
[ "jsTest.LogLevel level, string message", function(level, message) { this.log({ level: level, message: message }); } ],
[ "{ jsTest.LogLevel level, string message } item", function(item) {
item.timestamp = new Date;
item.toString = function() { return this.level.toString() + ":\t" + this.message; };
} ]
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("fail", "string message", function(message) {
this.log(jsTest.LogLevel.error, message);
throw jsTest.testAbort;
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("assert", "bool assertion, string message = ''", function(assertion, message) {
this.log(jsTest.LogLevel.success, "Assertion succeeded:\t" + message);
this.fail("Assertion failed:\t" + message);
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("assertType", [
// [ "string | Type type, *? value", function(type, value) { this.assertType(type, [ value ]) } ],
// [ "string type, *?.. values", function(type, values) { this.assertType(jsObject.Types.parse(type), values) } ],
[ "string | Type type, *?.. values", function(type, values) {
type = jsObject.Types.parse(type);
for(var i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
this.assert(type.check(values[i]), type.toString() + ".check(" + jsObject.toDebugString(values[i]) + ")");
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("assertNotType", [
// [ "string | Type type, *? value", function(type, value) { this.assertNotType(type, [ value ]) } ],
// [ "string type, *?.. values", function(type, values) { this.assertNotType(jsObject.Types.parse(type), values) } ],
[ "string | Type type, *?.. values", function(type, values) {
type = jsObject.Types.parse(type);
for(var i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
this.assert(!type.check(values[i]), "!" + type.toString() + ".check(" + jsObject.toDebugString(values[i]) + ")");
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("assertEqual", "*? a, *? b, bool soft = false", function(a, b, soft) {
this.assert(a == b, jsObject.toDebugString(a) + " == " + jsObject.toDebugString(b));
this.assert(a === b, jsObject.toDebugString(a) + " === " + jsObject.toDebugString(b));
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("assertUnequal", "*? a, *? b, bool soft = false", function(a, b, soft) {
this.assert(a != b, jsObject.toDebugString(a) + " != " + jsObject.toDebugString(b));
this.assert(a !== b, jsObject.toDebugString(a) + " !== " + jsObject.toDebugString(b));
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("assertMatch", "string text, Regex expression", function(text, expression) {
this.assert(expression.test(text), expression.toString() + '.test("' + text + '")');
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("assertNull", "*? value", function(text, expression) {
this.assert(value === null, jsObject.toDebugString(value) + " === null");
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("assertUndefined", "*? value", function(text, expression) {
this.assert(typeof value === "undefined", jsObject.toDebugString(value) + " === undefined");
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("assertNotNull", "*? value", function(text, expression) {
this.assert(value !== null, jsObject.toDebugString(value) + " !== null");
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("assertDefined", "*? value", function(text, expression) {
this.assert(typeof value !== "undefined", jsObject.toDebugString(value) + " !== undefined");
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("assertArrayEqual", "Array value, *... expected", function(value, expected) {
var message = jsObject.toDebugString(value) + " == " + jsObject.toDebugString(expected);
if(value.length !== expected.length)
this.fail("Assertion failed:\t" + message);
for(var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++)
if(value[i] !== expected[i])
this.fail("Assertion failed:\t" + message);
this.log(jsTest.LogLevel.success, "Assertion succeeded:\t" + message);
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("assertValueEqual", "Object | Array value, Object | Array expected", function(value, expected) {
var message = jsObject.toDebugString(value) + " == " + jsObject.toDebugString(expected);
for(var cProp in expected)
if(value[cProp] !== expected[cProp])
this.fail("Assertion failed:\t" + message);
this.log(jsTest.LogLevel.success, "Assertion succeeded:\t" + message);
new jsObject.FunctionDescriptor("assertThrows", [
[ "function func, *?[] args, string exception, *? context = null", function(func, args, exception, context) {
return this.assertThrows(func, args, function(ex) { return ex.toString() === exception; }, '"$$" === "' + exception + '"', context);
} ],
[ "function func, *?[] args, Regex exception, *? context = null", function(func, args, exception, context) {
return this.assertThrows(func, args, function(ex) { return exception.test(ex.toString()); }, exception.toString() + '.test("$$")', context);
} ],
[ "function func, *?[] args, function validator, string message, *? context = null", function(func, args, validator, message, context) {
try {
func.apply(context, args);
} catch(ex) {
message = message.replace("$$$", jsObject.toDebugString(ex));
message = message.replace("$$", ex.toString());
this.log(jsTest.LogLevel.success, "Exception caught:\t" + message);
this.fail("Exception mismatch:\t" + message);
return; //If we caught an exception, don't fail.
this.fail("Assertion failed:\t" + jsObject.toDebugString(func) + " didn't throw when given " + jsObject.toDebugString(args) + ".");
} ],
[ "function func, *?[] args, * exception, *? context = null", function(func, args, exception, context) {
return this.assertThrows(func, args, function(ex) { return ex === exception; }, "$$$ === " + jsObject.toDebugString(exception), context);
} ],
[ "function func, *?[] args = [], *? context = null", function(func, args, context) { return this.assertThrows(func, args, function(ex) { return true; }, "$$$", context); } ]
events : "itemLogged"
If people are interested, I'll put it on Google Code.