



Does flash actionscript allow you to contact an arbitrary server on a specific port?

I would like to stream some images live from a server using a proprietary protocol.

Or does the browser disallow this for security reasons?

+5  A: 

Hi, you can use the Socket ( class or XMLSocket ( class, though the XMLSocket class is limited to ports higher than 1024.

Usually you will have to provide flash with a policy document before it can connect to the port you want. This file can be provided by a policy server:

I would also recommend reviewing the Flash Player security model:

I would suggest exploring AMF ( if you want to start writing socket servers for Flash. It is a nice convenient protocol for exchanging communications with Flash.

I use the python library twisted ( to write socket servers and policy servers usually. PyAMF is also worth looking at ( There are also a number of AMF servers and libraries for other langauges.
