I have an interceptor for catching Exceptions and sending emails of this exceptions.
All my struts actions extend CoreController which implements SerlvetRequestAware.
In mail service class then I have:
CoreController cc = (CoreController)invocation.getAction();
HttpServletRequest request = cc.getRequest();
I want to insert request body to email, if exists. Like so:
StringWriter msg = new StringWriter();
msg.write("Requested URI: " + request.getRequestURI()+NEW_LINE);
msg.write("Requested Query String: " + request.getQueryString()+NEW_LINE);
msg.write("Request method: "+request.getMethod()+NEW_LINE);
try {
if (request.getReader() != null) {
msg.write("Request body: "+ request.getReader().readLine()+NEW_LINE);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch(IllegalStateException e) {
Now it always throws an IllegalStateException, when reader is not null. How could I "revert" reader or how any other way to read the request body?
EDIT Exception: getInputStream() has already been called for this request