



I have a bunch of html files in a site that were created in the year 2000 and have been maintained to this day. We've recently began an effort to replace illegal characters with their html entities. Going page to page looking for copyright symbols and trademark tags seems like quite a chore. Do any of you know of an app that will take a bunch of html files and tell me where I need to replace illegal characters with html entities?


Any good text editor will do a file contents search for you and return a list of matches.

I do this with EditPlus. There are several editors like Notepad++, TextPad, etc that will easily help you do this.

You do not have to open the files. You just specify a path where the files are stored and the Mask (*.html) and the contents to search for "©" and the editor will come back with a list of matches and when you double click, it opens the file and brings up the matching line.

Raj More
This is true, but I want a way to do it without opening 200+ files. Thanks for replying though.
@wwilkins: answer edited
Raj More

You could write a PHP script (if you can; if not, I'd be happy to help), but I assume you already converted some of the "special characters", so that does make the task a little harder (although I still think it's possible)...

**EDIT**: Fixed something not making sense ;)
Thanks for responding; Yes, I could write a program to solve this but I just have a gut feeling that somebody else already has. One line of thought was I should just send all the files into the validation utility and catch all of the encoding errors, but if a solution already exists, even _that_ is too much code.