




I am planning on showing/hiding divs to validate a form. But the divs only show a split second, and then the form gets submitted...

Any ideas why?

here is the code:

function validateForm() {
var name = nameEmpty(document.getElementById("annonsera_name"));
if (nameEmpty(name)){return false;}
return false;
function nameEmpty(fld){
 if (fld.value==0) {
  return false;
 else if (fld.value.match(alphaExp)) {
  return false;

 return false;


and here is the form:

<form name="annonsera" id="annonsera" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="return validateForm();">
+1  A: 

It's probably generating an error and therefore never returning anything. Assuming you are using Firefox, have you checked the javascript console?

I see what looks like a problem here, where you call nameEmpty() twice - once with a field, and the other time with a (presumably?) boolean value:

var name = nameEmpty(document.getElementById("annonsera_name")); // Returns boolean
if (nameEmpty(name)){return false;} // Tries to pass boolean back into nameEmpty?
Eric Petroelje

Maybe a bit offtopic, but here goes...

You should really consider JQuery Validation, it's nice, clean and easy to implement. I've done it a few times, and never looked back since. It sure beats the manual validation method like the one you use :)

Check out the example, there really is not that much code to write, to get validation going.

In your example that would be (not tested):

      rules: {
        annonsera_name: {
          required: true,
          minlength: 1
      messages: {
        annonsera_name: {
          required: "You need to write your name",
          minlength: jQuery.format("At least {0} characters required!")

There are also a lot of ways of customization through dhtml and css, check out the options.

Sune Rievers
JQuery Validation is far from been clean and nice. It still has a lot of bugs and has changed since the last 18 months at a point that few thing is not even compatible. It's a great piece of code to use but is not nice and clean.
To the extend I've used it, it's been extremely reliable and I still think the declarative way of writing one's validation rules beats manual validation any day. I haven't found any bugs yet, but haven't looked for them either.
Sune Rievers
Looking at I see that there are 30 active bug reports. Quite a large number considering their average report life time (15 weeks 5 days). Nonetheless, I still recommend JQuery Validation, as long as the bugs doesn't affect your solution.
Sune Rievers