



In Python, a namespace package allows you to spread Python code among several projects. This is useful when you want to release related libraries as separate downloads. For example, with the directories Package-1 and Package-2 in PYTHONPATH,


the end-user can import namespace.module1 and import namespace.module2.

What's the best way to define a namespace package so more than one Python product can define modules in that namespace?

+1  A: 

You have your Python namespace concepts back to front, it is not possible in python to put packages into modules. Packages contain modules not the other way around.

A Python package is simply a folder containing a file. A module is any other file in a package (or directly on the PYTHONPATH) that has a .py extension. So in your example you have two packages but no modules defined. If you consider that a package is a file system folder and a module is file then you see why packages contain modules and not the other way around.

So in your example assuming Package-1 and Package-2 are folders on the file system that you have put on the Python path you can have the following:


You now have one package namespace with two modules module1 and module2. and unless you have a good reason you should probably put the modules in the folder and have only that on the python path like below:

Tendayi Mawushe
I'm talking about things like `zope.x` where a bunch of related packages are released as separate downloads.
Ok, but what is the effect you are trying to achieve. If the folders containing related packages all on the PYTHONPATH the Python interpreter will find them for you with no extra effort on your part.
Tendayi Mawushe
+9  A: 

There's a standard module, called pkgutil, with which you can 'append' modules to a given namespace.

With the directory structure you've provided:


You should put those two lines in Package-2/namespace/

from pkgutil import extend_path
__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)

From now on, you should be able to distribute those two packages independently.

Mike Hordecki
What are the pros and cons of using that versus __import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__) ?
First, `__import__` is considered bad style in this case as it can be easily replaced with plain import statement. More to the point, pkg_resources is a non-standard library. It comes with setuptools, so that's a non-issue, though. Quick googling reveals that pkgutil was introduced in 2.5 and pkg_resources predates it. Nevertheless, pkgutil is a oficially-recognized solution. pkg_resources inclusion was, in fact, rejected in PEP 365.
Mike Hordecki
Their functionality is probably the same, though, as zope.interface uses both in it's ``.
Mike Hordecki
+2  A: 

This section should be pretty self-explainatory.

In short, put that namespace code in, update to declare namespace and you are free to go.


I ran into this same issue trying to run nose on a series of directories like Package-1 and Package-2. My Package-1 namespace is self contained, and represents a base distribution. Package-2 is distributed as a separate egg, adding a subpackage "namespace.extend" that has dependencies on namespace.

I use numerous features (extension entry points, developer installation) of setuptools. This represents the real tradeoff between pkgutil vs pkg_resources for me. Nose's directory-by-directory importer can understand pkgutil with no additional work. On the other hand, it seems like all the work I put in egg-info is lost. I'm not the only one ... the zope discussion referenced above eventually (I think) led to them abandoning pkg_resources because they were invested in setuptools. At least they talked about it.

So I have a fairly advanced question. What happens if namespace is imported using setuptools and namespace.extend is imported by a simple manipulation of sys.path? Can I force the regular import to: 1. understand the pkg_resources stuff and actually create the package namespace and 2. perform whatever setuptools voodoo would normally be done on namespace.extend even though I am importing it using the filesystema and sys.path?

Thanks! Eli
