I want to know if a server has integration,reporting,analysis,notification services irrespective of the version(2000 or 2005).
Currently, i am using
xp_cmdshell 'net start'
but it has too much information.
Any help?
I want to know if a server has integration,reporting,analysis,notification services irrespective of the version(2000 or 2005).
Currently, i am using
xp_cmdshell 'net start'
but it has too much information.
Any help?
Here's 2005/2008 code. For 2000, you'll have to grovel in the registry yourself, because it's stored elsewhere I believe. Also, you'll have to change it from a table variable to an actual temp table.
Declare @Instances Table
(InstanceName SysName, RegKey SysName, InstanceType Character Varying(50),
Version Character Varying(4), Features National Character Varying(2000))
Insert Into @Instances(InstanceName, RegKey)
Execute Master.dbo.xp_RegEnumValues N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL'
Update @Instances Set InstanceType = 'SQL Server' Where InstanceType Is Null
Insert Into @Instances(InstanceName, RegKey)
Execute Master.dbo.xp_RegEnumValues N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\RS'
Update @Instances Set InstanceType = 'Reporting Services' Where InstanceType Is Null
Insert Into @Instances(InstanceName, RegKey)
Execute Master.dbo.xp_RegEnumValues N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\OLAP'
Update @Instances Set InstanceType = 'Analysis Services' Where InstanceType Is Null
@More Bit, @CRegKey SysName, @RegPath National Character Varying(2000),
@Features National Character Varying(2000), @VersionString National Character Varying(500)
Declare CInstance Cursor
Select RegKey From @Instances
Open CInstance
Set @More = 1
While (@More = 1)
Fetch Next From CInstance Into @CRegKey
If (@@Fetch_Status != 0)
Set @More = 0
Set @RegPath = N'Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\' + @CRegKey + '\Setup'
Execute Master.dbo.xp_RegRead N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @RegPath, N'FeatureList', @Features Output, 'no_output'
Execute Master.dbo.xp_RegRead N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @RegPath, N'PatchLevel', @VersionString Output, 'no_output'
-- \' ignore this, it's just to get the formatting right
Update @Instances
Features = @Features,
Version = (Case When Left(@VersionString, 1) = '9' Then '2005'
When Left(@VersionString, 2) = '10' Then '2008'
Else '????' End)
Where Current Of CInstance
Close CInstance
Deallocate CInstance
Update @Instances Set InstanceName = '(local)' Where InstanceName = 'MSSQLServer'
Select InstanceName, InstanceType, Version, Features
From @Instances