I have made some changes in a python module in my checked out copy of a repository, and need to test them. However, when I try to run a script that uses the module, it keeps importing the module from the trunk of the repository, which is of no use to me.
I tried setting PYTHONPATH, which did nothing at all. After some searching around, I found that anything in the .pth files under site-packages directory will be put in even before PYTHONPATH (which to me defeats the purpose of having it). I believe this is the cause for my module not being picked.
Am I correct? If so, what is the way to override this (without modifying the script to have a sys.path.insert(0,path)
Edit: In reply to NicDumz - the original repository was under /projects/spam
. The python modules were part of this in /projects/spam/sources/python/a/b/
. However, these are 'built' every night using a homegrown make variant which then puts them into /projects/spam/build/lib/python/a/b/
. The script is using the module under this last path only.
I have checked out the entire repository to under /home/sundar/spam
, and made changes in /home/sundar/spam/sources/python/a/b/mymodule.py
. I've set my PYTHONPATH to /home/sundar/spam/sources/python
and tried to import a.b.mymodule
with no success.