




How can I reverse a word in Vim? Preferably with a regex or normal-mode commands, but other methods are welcome too:

word => drow

Thanks for your help! PS: I'm in windows XP

Python is built in supported in my vim, but not Perl.


This VIM Cookbook includes some techniques for manipulating words, including reversing them. The example can probably be relatively easily extended to reverse characters within a word.

Mark Mayo
The example in your link reverse the ordering of the words, not the characters in a word. For me as a newbie in vim is unfortunately not 'relatively easily' to extend. But thanks for your tip.
+2  A: 

if your version of VIM supports it you can do vw\is or viw\is (put your cursor at the first letter of the word before typing the command)... but I have had a lot of compatibility issues with that. Not sure what has to be compiled in or turned on but this only works sometimes.


\is is:

:<C-U>let old_reg_a=@a<CR>
\ :let old_reg=@"<CR>
\ gv"ay :let @a=substitute(@a, '.\(.*\)\@=', '\=@a[strlen(submatch(1))]', 'g')<CR> 
\ gvc<C-R>a<Esc> :let @a=old_reg_a<CR> 
\ :let @"=old_reg<CR>

Didn't remember where it came from but a google search come this article on vim.wikia.com. Which shows the same thing so I guess that's it.

Hmm, that doesn't seem to work for me, if you type "map", what have you got \i mapped to?
+3  A: 

Assuming you've got perl support built in to vim, you can do this:

command! ReverseWord call ReverseWord()
function! ReverseWord()
perl << EOF
    $curword = VIM::Eval('expand("<cword>")');
    $reversed = reverse($curword);
    VIM::Msg("$curword => $reversed");
    VIM::DoCommand("norm lbcw$reversed");

And potentially bind that to a keystroke like so:

nmap ,r :ReverseWord<CR>
Hmm, just realised that doesn't work if you're on the first letter of the word, you need to be on letter two more.
Ok, fixed it and edited my answer, basically needed norm lbcw not just bcw
It doesn't seem to work for me, maybe is perl no supported. But python is supported! Thanks for your effort.
You can tell if you have perl with "vim --version | grep perl" if you see a "+perl" that means it's compiled in. Most linux distos have perl built in by default although I've had to compile it in my self on win32 and macosx.
+2  A: 

If you have some time on your hands, you can bubble your way there by iteratively transposing characters (xp)...

Randy Proctor
+2  A: 

This Tip might help: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Reverse%5Fletters

Wow, it works! Thanks a lot :-)
+3  A: 

I don't have Python supported on my VIM, but it looks like it would be pretty simple to do it with Python. This article seems like a good explanation of how to use Python in VIM and I'm guessing you'd do something like this:

:python 'word'[::-1]

The article indicates that the result will appear in the status bar, which would be non-optimal if you were trying to replace the string in a document, but if you just want to check that your girlfriend is properly reversing strings in her head, this should be fine.

Amanda Nyren
+1  A: 

Here is another (pythonic) solution based on how this works:

:echo join(reverse(split('hello', '.\zs')), '')

If you want to replace all words in the buffer,

:%s/\(\<.\{-}\>\)/\=join(reverse(split(submatch(1), '.\zs')), '')/g

This works by first creating a list of characters in the word, which is reversed and joined back to form the word. The substitute command finds each word and then passes the word to the expressions and uses the result as replacement.
