




Are there certain code conventions when documenting ruby code? For example I have the following code snippit:

require 'open3'

module ProcessUtils

  # Runs a subprocess and applies handlers for stdout and stderr
  # Params:
  # - command: command line string to be executed by the system
  # - outhandler: proc object that takes a pipe object as first and only param (may be nil)
  # - errhandler: proc object that takes a pipe object as first and only param (may be nil)
  def execute_and_handle(command, outhandler, errhandler)
    Open3.popen3(command) do |_, stdout, stderr|
      if (outhandler)
      if (errhandler)

This guess this is okay, but perhaps there are better/superior documentation practices?

+3  A: 

The canonical is RDoc it is very similar to the one you've posted.

See the sample section on the link I sent you

+3  A: 

I would highly suggest using RDoc. It is pretty much the standard. It is easy to read the code comments, and it allows you to easily create web-based documentation for your project.

Here is a really good introduction to the syntax.

Topher Fangio
+1  A: 

Rails has some official conventions for API documentation. That's probably a good starting point.

Hank Gay
+8  A: 

You should target your documentation for the RDoc processor, which can find your documentation and generate HTML from it. You've put your comment in the right place for that, but you should have a look at the RDoc documentation to learn about the kinds of tags that RDoc knows how to format. To that end, I'd reformat your comment as follows:

  # Runs a subprocess and applies handlers for stdout and stderr
  # Params:
  # +command+:: command line string to be executed by the system
  # +outhandler+:: +Proc+ object that takes a pipe object as first and only param (may be nil)
  # +errhandler+:: +Proc+ object that takes a pipe object as first and only param (may be nil)
Ken Bloom
How should I document that the outhandler and errhandler parameters may be nil?
Check out YARD (used by http://rdoc.info), instead of RDoc, for a more in depth documentation processor. http://yard.soen.ca/getting_started.html#docing
YARD's annotations may be more powerful, but until it's included in the standard Ruby distribution instead of RDoc, its annotations are not the standard.
Ken Bloom
+2  A: 

Here is the documentation for the ruby documentation system (RDOC)
