I am having a text field for date. Now i would like to mask this text field so that a user can input only date value. I even found a jQuery plugin for this. But that doesn't seems to help, as you can input 22/22/2222 in the field that too is accepted by this plugin, which is obviously not a valid date. What is the possible solution?
You can set the input to be readonly, and put a div around it that has the onclick set to call the calendar.
That way they can't change the value, but if they click on it they can set a new date.
James Black
2009-11-05 17:51:49
@James: good answer but obviously not acceptable. i want to mask the field. i don't want user to navigate through the calendar to select what he can write easily. Infact i can leave the plan of masking the input but cannot forbid the user to input manually.
Rakesh Juyal
2009-11-05 18:01:12
So just use keypress events and validate each keypress to ensure that it is valid where it is at, currently.
James Black
2009-11-05 18:02:22
try working from this http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin
if that does not work, try adapting from this code, changing ti to work for your months:
function isZipKey(evt) {
var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode
if (charCode > 31 && ((charCode < 48 || charCode > 57) && charCode != 45))
return false;
return true;
onkeypress="return isZipKey(this);"
Ten Ton Gorilla
2009-11-05 18:04:58
If you want valid dates, you'll need to validate each keypress. Not a tiger I'd like to tackle personally. If you're not afraid of JavaScript (or JQuery), why not use a calendar GUI like Datepicker
John Giotta
2009-11-05 18:26:13