I have an XML document with a section similar to the following:
At some point I have XSL for-each statements looping through each release, and in turn through each list of files. While I'm looping through each file, I want to get information about which other releases DO NOT contain that same file ID. (So for example, when I'm iterating through file 20 in release 100, I want to get pointers to both releases 101 and 102, but when I'm iterating through file 21 in that same package I want only a pointer to release 102.)
Is there a way to do this with XPath? The closest thing I've come up with is:
../../../release[ not( file_list/file/id = ./id ) ]
...which of course fails because within the square brackets the './' refers to the release in front of the brackets, not the file that the XPath statement is being called from.
Anything I'm missing here?