I'm trying to put together a wrapper around a console application using StandardInput and StandardOutput. I'm getting stuck where the console application would prompt for input such as a password.
I'd like to read from StandardOutput, prompt the user using the read text, and write the user's input back to the console application using its StandardInput. Seems easy enough, here's what I have currently:
Process process = new Process()
StartInfo =
FileName = "bin\\vpnc.exe",
Arguments = "--no-detach --debug 0",
CreateNoWindow = true,
UseShellExecute = false,
RedirectStandardInput = true,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
process.OutputDataReceived += (s, args) =>
textBlock1.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
textBlock1.Text += args.Data;
The problem is that BeginOutputReadLine()
is doing just that...waiting for a line ending. In this case it just sits, and sits, and sits because there is no line to read...the console application has written out text with no line ending and is waiting for input. Coincidentally, when I manually kill the process the event fires and I get the text.
Is there a way to tell that the process is waiting for StandardInput? Or am I missing a completely obvious way to accomplish the goal?