I have a stored procedure that has multiple result sets. How do I advance to the 2nd result set in mysqli to get those results?
Let's say it's a stored proc like:
create procedure multiples( param1 INT, param2 INT )
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id = param1;
SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE id = param2;
END $$
The PHP is something like this:
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($db, 'CALL multiples(?, ?)');
mysqli_stmt_bind_param( $stmt, 'ii', $param1, $param2 );
mysqli_stmt_execute( $stmt );
mysqli_stmt_bind_result( $stmt, $id );
Then this is the part I can't get to work. I've tried using mysqli_next_result to move to the next result set, but can't get it to work. We did get it to work with mysqli_store_result and mysqli_fetch_assoc/array/row, but for some reason all the ints get returned as blank strings.
Any one else come across this and have a solution?