Writing a "delete named product from hash" method
There are shorter ways of doing it, but shooting for clarity I came up with this:
products = {124 => ['shoes', 59.99], 352 => ['shirt', 19.99], 777 => ['pants', 19.87],
667 => ['jacket', 39.99], 898 => ['shoulder_holster', 22.78]}
def wipeProduct(hash, nameToDelete)
hash.each do |i|
key = i[0]
productName = i[1].first
hash.delete(key) if productName==nameToDelete
puts products.inspect
puts products.inspect
puts products.inspect
bash-3.2$ ruby prod.rb
{352=>["shirt", 19.99], 898=>["shoulder_holster", 22.78], 667=>["jacket", 39.99], 777=>["pants", 19.87], 124=>["shoes", 59.99]}
{352=>["shirt", 19.99], 898=>["shoulder_holster", 22.78], 667=>["jacket", 39.99], 124=>["shoes", 59.99]}
{352=>["shirt", 19.99], 667=>["jacket", 39.99], 124=>["shoes", 59.99]}
I don't know if it's possible for "pants" to occur in the hash in multiple places, but since I used "hash.each(...)", the method wipeProduct(hash, nameToDelete) will test every hash entry.
The input type bug and how to fix it
When you take input, you're assigning the string you captured to d. Here's the proof:
irb(main):010:0> d = gets.to_s
=> "12\n"
irb(main):011:0> d.class
=> String
You can convert that string to a Fixnum like this:
irb(main):012:0> d.to_i
=> 12
irb(main):013:0> d.to_i.class
=> Fixnum
All keys in the products hash are Fixnums. Here's the proof:
irb(main):014:0> products.keys.each {|i| puts i.class}
=> [352, 898, 667, 777, 124]
So you need to capture the value for the argument with this line:
d = gets.to_i # Get value for argument
The deletion part of the answer:
From products, you can delete the pants entry programmatically with this:
Running it gets you this:
irb(main):003:0> products.delete(777)
=> ["pants", 19.87]
Notice that you supply the key value (in this case 777) to .delete() and that it returns an array consisting of the key and value in that order respectively.
An alternative implementation
I'm not sure if it's safe to modify a hash in a block that's iterating over the key-value pairs in the hash. If it isn't, you can just save up all the keys to be deleted and delete them after iterating over the hash:
def wipeProduct(hash, nameToDelete)
keysToDelete = []
hash.each do |i|
key = i[0]
productName = i[1].first
keysToDelete << key if productName==nameToDelete
keysToDelete.each {|key| hash.delete(key) }