



I have a Java application and I want to open a new dialog from the main interface where the user can enter his name, surname and country and then click ok. How can I open a dialog which has a number of different input fields and then save that information in a variable?

+1  A: 

Extend JDialog and add some JTextFields and maybe some JComboBoxes. then finish it off with some JButtons

You could also look into JGoodies Forms framework its nice and free.

EDIT: Composition example

Based on Pete's comment i dug up this example using composition rather than overriding JDialog

You would want to add getter like

public String getFirstName() {
      return field.getTest();

To gain access to relevant input.

+1 for reference links
Only extend JDialog (or any other class) if you need to override one or more of its behaviours.
Pete Kirkham
I am not really looking to override any features, just have a set of text boxes that are relevant to my application. I am going create a class that extends JDialog. I will save the text in attributes and then access those attributes from the main application to get the text.not sure how clear my explanation was
So Pete do you recommend to Wrap the JDialog or how would go about it?

This forum post could be helpful.

One possibility to make a custom JDialog is to create a custom JPanel with all the bells and whistles that you need and use that as the Component in one of the static JOptionPane functions.
