




Please look at my code. I am trying to display some dynamic customers in the dropdown menu. And after selecting a customer button is pressed. Then products owned by the selected customer should be displayed in the textarea. But the problem is that after selecting a customer and pressing the button, nothing is displayed in the text area !. As i am new to ASP MVC can you help me out this problem?

Controller class-------------------->

public class ProductsController : Controller

    CandidateEntities db;

    public ProductsController()
        db = new CandidateEntities();

    public ActionResult Index()
        ViewData["Customers"] = new SelectList(db.Customer.ToList(), "CustomerId", "Firstname");
        return View();

    public ActionResult Index(FormCollection form)
        int customerId = int.Parse(form["Customers"]);
        var cust = db.Customer.First(x=>x.CustomerId == customerId);
        var Query =
            from customer in db.Customer
            join prod in db.Products on customerId equals prod.Customer.CustomerId
            select prod;
        ViewData["Products"] = Query.ToString(); 
        return View("Index");


Index view------------------>


<%using(Html.BeginForm()){ %>   
    <%=Html.DropDownList("Customers", "Seletc one")%>
    <input type="submit" value="Click !" />

    <%=Html.TextArea("Textarea", ViewData["Products"]) %>
<%} %>
+2  A: 

Are you sure your query is returning results? It seems to be querying for every product for every customer, it might be rewritten something like:

from product in db.Prodcuts
where product.Customer.CustomerID = customerId
select product

Also, (and it depends on your code), but is calling ToString on a list of Product objects going to return what you want?
