




Hi there,

I received url of web service running on gSOAP/2.7 (deciding from HTTP headers). The problem is they didn't provide me with WSDL file. Anybody knows which default URL I should look for WSDL if service address is http://www.host.com/


It would be something like:


If you would knew how to answer this answer or at least read the question you would know that the service is running on gSOAP and that is C++ library not .Net as you suggest.
Sergej Andrejev
Ah, I read it on my BB and missed that. My apologies

Based on the gsoap documentation at http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/soapdoc2.html#tth_sEc18.10, I'd say that gsoap doesn't automatically provide a way to get the WSDL file. It's a fairly low-level server, concentrating on being small and fast and leaving the fancy stuff for apache, etc. Now it's possible your provider implemented a way to serve the WSDL, (it's pretty simple), but the access method would be dependent on them, and not standard.

A. L. Flanagan
I was expecting that but hoped I would be wrong because in the end I got WSDL file only after almost two month of asking for it :(
Sergej Andrejev
Well, it makes no sense to create a web service, then not provide a WSDL. If you didn't want people to connect, why make it in the first place? But I see a lot of crazy stuff in this business. ;)
A. L. Flanagan