



We are going to interview some candidates over the phone and we need the candidate to write code (pseudo code). Obviously, asking the candidate to read the code out loud to us over the phone isn't ideal.

I wonder if there is any good platform to do this?

I know Facebook uses a simple program they wrote by themselves, and Google uses Google Doc. But unfortunately we don't have services by ourselves. Are there any good alternatives (other than Google Doc) that is open and free?


How about Email?

Aramis wyler
Thanks. It would be better if we can see the candidate typing almost real time. Even if we don't need to see the candidate typing, email is slow sometimes.
There is always SubEthaEdit.
Aramis wyler

How about chat?

+7  A: 

you could use Etherpad ( ) to see what exactly they are typing while they are typing it

Looks like the free version of this might suit the question's requirements.
Joel Goodwin
although I don't think its a good idea to make people do such a thing.. a more sensible thing to do would be to ask your candidates for existing code samples beforehand for projects they have worked on, which you could then discuss over the phone during the actual interview.. and also ask them to explain the high-level idea behind solving some computational problems or designing issues
+1  A: 

Couldn't you use some IM client? Or are you really looking for something which is like a multi-cast notepad?

Joel Goodwin

GotoMeeting and Notepad.

Why do you want to see them type?

Will Hartung
"Why do you want to see them type?" Indeed. In fact, it would be illegal to discriminate against candidates who do not type on a keyboard. Programming is not about typing any more than space exploration is about peeing into a hose.
John Zwinck
+1  A: 

I've heard good things about EtherPad but haven't used it myself.

Generally I would look for something that:

  • doesn't require signup (creating a new account can be big overhead)
  • doesn't require an invite (Google Wave might really well, but invites
    are unpredictable right now)
  • doesn't require extra setup (eg. inviting someone to chat etc)

EtherPad seems to satisfy all these requirements.

Failing that, I think you can actually glean a ton of good information in a phone interview without seeing written code. Candidates can describe pseudo-code and algorithms over the phone and being able to hold a solution in your head well enough to verbalize it is actually IMO pretty good signal about facility with programming & algorithms.

+3  A: 

Another option is see[Mike]code which is great, no sign up process required, it just requires your email address to send you the URLs to go. They are valid for a month or so.
