I searched Google for HTML/CSS/JavaScript training videos but I am not able to decide which one is better. I have subscription of LearnVisualStudio.NET and the videos are value for money. Are there any similar videos for HTML/CSS/JavaScript?
http://net.tutsplus.com/ offers many screencasts and tutorials for web development, it's worth the try in my opinion.
http://www.lynda.com/ seems interesting too, although I didn't test it, I saw pretty good feedback.
Soufiane Hassou
2009-11-07 18:30:42
Lynda is quite expensive.
2009-11-07 19:40:36
I would recommend w3schools.com (though they don't provide any video's but it is indeed good for a beginner).
b) CSS Tutorial
On the top of that, I offers many more tutorials on various topics. Have a look Full Web Building Tutorials
2009-11-08 05:27:48