



Does anyone have a good reason to use one over the other? As far as I can tell, create/append node simply prevents you from creating invalid code, while innerHTML allows you to inject multiple nodes at once.

Given that I need to insert several tags, it seems to make sense to use innerHTML. Does anyone have a different take?


I believe that on certain platforms, you'll receive a performance boost using the DOM functions instead of innerHTML, as no expensive HTML parsing needs to be done.

According to this page, innerHTML is faster.
@Tmdean: 20 month is a long time.
Do you know if someone has done more recent benchmarks?
Some operations are faster with DOM node manipulation, some are faster with HTML string parsing. There is no way you can say one method is inherently faster than the other.

It depends on what your goal is.

Using DOM methods to insert html into a document will allow you to further manipulate those elements before / after inserting them.

Andrei Serdeliuc

The difference is creating nodes via the DOM is standardized, but innerHTML is merely a de-facto standard. I've read that innerHTML can be faster.

An even better alternative is to use a library like jQuery for your DOM manipulation. It'll take care of most cross-browser incompatibilities and be more readable than using the DOM methods.

How do you think jQuery appends content? Clearly you have faith that whatever way it's doing it is best, but having looked at the code I can tell you that it's just doing the same innerHTML-parsing and DOM node appending as everyone else, except with extra bugs due to its misguided regex-based markup-hacking.
+1  A: 

If performance matters, it's good to know that the innerHTML is relatively fast, especially in MSIE:

It has however the bad image of originally being a "Microsoft proprietary" property and/or not really "OO".

`innerHTML` is not the fastest in any case. In Safari DOM operations have an average of 8ms while `innerHTML` has an average of 32ms.
The linked article is a *bit* old, Safari is nowadays already at 4. That may have made difference. By the way, I am curious how Chrome would fit in the results. It's known to be extremely fast in JS/DOM.
+1  A: 

Given that I need to insert several tags, it seems to make sense to use innerHTML.

Only ‘several’? Then speed is not an issue. It's when you're creating a hundred you have to think about what you're doing. It's not really the creating that's the problem, it's the child node list manipulation that gets slower and slower as you add each extra element.

As for appending, you don't really have any choice. You can't set the innerHTML without losing the existing content, so unless you're happy with serialising and re-parsing that (which wipes out any non-serialisable data like form contents, JavaScript properties/references and event handlers) you end up setting the innerHTML of another element and moving each child over one by one. This is what many frameworks do and it typically ends up even slower than manual create-and-appendChild.

Depending on your situation (specifically: how many child nodes are already in the target element, and how many are you going to add?) it can be faster to break down the operation into smaller manipulations on a DocumentFragment, whose children can be appended to an element's children all in one go instead of one-by-one. This is much faster. Unfortunately, it is not possible to set innerHTML on a DocumentFragment.

There may also be faster hacks using Range objects to move a load of HTML at once, but unfortunately Ranges are highly cross-browser variable. It seems to me, though, that someone ought to be able to build a fast append-html out of IE's range.pasteHTML and W3's range.extractContents. Anyone up for it?

As far as I can tell, create/append node simply prevents you from creating invalid code

Potentially invalid markup doesn't just mean your application breaks in some browsers. When you're blindly splicing together HTML without escaping like an idiot:

element.innerHTML= '<a href="'+url+'">'+title+'</a>';

then you have a client-side cross-site-scripting security hole that is just as bad as a server-side one.

You can, of course, compromise, by creating the elements and setting their contents in separate steps. For example:

element.innerHTML= '<table>'+'<tr><td>X</td><td><a href="#">go</a></td></tr>'.repeated(urls.length)+'</table>';
for (var i= 0; i<urls.length; i++) {
    var row= element.firstChild.rows[i];
    row.cells[0] urls[i];
    row.cells[1].firstChild.href= urls[i];

(string.repeated is not standard JavaScript, but its use here is obvious.)

+3  A: 

This is always a contentious argument, partially because the origin of innerHTML being somewhat dubious from a standards perspective. I think the QuirksMode article is still relevant, but I'd love to see it updated. Perhaps contact ppk about updating them, though I'm sure he's busy. We could all benefit from performance testing the assumptions we make in web development. In the end claims require hard data to prove, otherwise it's really just talk.

Anyway, I did some searching and found some interesting articles relevant to this discussion. I don't remember hearing of DocumentFragments before, they're real interesting.
