Hi, imagine you have an io heavy function like this:
def getMd5Sum(path):
with open(path) as f:
return md5(f.read()).hexdigest()
Do you think Python is flexible enough to allow code like this (notice the $):
def someGuiCallback(filebutton):
path = filebutton.getPath()
md5sum = $getMd5Sum()
showNotification("Md5Sum of file: %s" % md5sum)
To be executed something like this:
def someGuiCallback_1(filebutton):
path = filebutton.getPath()
Thread(target=someGuiCallback_2, args=(path,)).start()
def someGuiCallback_2(path):
md5sum = getMd5Sum(path)
glib.idle_add(someGuiCallback_3, md5sum)
def someGuiCallback_3(md5sum):
showNotification("Md5Sum of file: %s" % md5sum)
(glib.idle_add just pushes a function onto the queue of the main thread)
I've thought about using decoraters, but they don't allow me to access the 'content' of the function after the call. (the showNotification part)
I guess I could write a 'compiler' to change the code before execution, but it doesn't seam like the optimal solution.
Do you have any ideas, on how to do something like the above?