I am in the process of installing a ColdFusion application on Solaris 10 64-bit (Sparc) running with WebSphere 6.1. The cfcompile script that comes with CF makes a reference to jrun.jar however this library is not available when CF is installed as an ear file. An abstract of cfcompile.sh is the following:
su $cfuser -c "${_JAVACMD} -cp $CLASSES -Dcoldfusion.classPath=$CFUSION_HOME/lib/updates,$CFUSION_HOME/lib -Dcoldfusion.libPath=$CFUSION_HOME/lib coldfusion.tools.CommandLineInvoker Compiler -cfroot $CFUSION_HOME -webinf $WEBINF -webroot $webroot $dir"
Do you see ways to solve this problem (that is to precompile an application), besides installing CF as a standalone running on JRUN server?