




Hi, I have created a basic flash socket server in PHP, it all works fine on my local machine (both in the browser and in the flash sandbox) but as soon as I get another machine to connect to my computer's Site directory, they can't get a connection open to the server!

In flash:



$address = '';
$port = 9999;

I have tried changing the flash code to the IP of my machine but then none of the clients (including the local) can connect.

Please help!

PS. Running on a mac in the Sites dir. I am running the socket server through terminal (PHP 5). Am running a policy file server with perl but I don't think that is the problem

+3  A: 

"" is the address for the loopback interface. It's only available on the same machine. You need to listen on all interfaces (loopback, eth0, etc) by binding the socket to "".

ZZ Coder
Thanks that worked perfectly, for the record I also had to change the flash code from localhost to the ip of the local machine :)
Cal S