Can anyone help me with this?
I have this function in a singleton class. The error it is giving me back is that it cannot find the class.
First I thought it had something to do with the autoloader, but I did spl_autoload_unregister('libloader') and it still gives the same error?
The host is running php 5.
public static function getInstantie()
if (!self::$instantie)
$config = config::getInstantie();
$db_type = $config->config_waarden['database']['db_type'];
$hostnaam = $config->config_waarden['database']['db_hostnaam'];
$dbnaam = $config->config_waarden['database']['db_naam'];
$db_wachtwoord = $config->config_waarden['database']['db_wachtwoord'];
$db_gebruikersnaam = $config->config_waarden['database']['db_gebruikersnaam'];
$db_poort = $config->config_waarden['database']['db_poort'];
self::$instantie = new PDO("$db_type:host=$hostnaam;port=$db_poort;dbname=$dbnaam",$db_gebruikersnaam, $db_wachtwoord);
self::$instantie-> setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
return self::$instantie;
thanks, Richard