Original question: Can someone tell me how to use "slice lists" and the "ellipsis"? When are they useful? Thanks.
Here's what the language definition says about "slice_list" and "ellipsis"; Alex Martelli's answer points out their origin, which is not what I had envisioned.
5.3.3. Slicings
extended_slicing ::= primary "[" slice_list "]"
slice_list ::= slice_item ("," slice_item)* [","]
slice_item ::= expression | proper_slice | ellipsis
ellipsis ::= "..."
[1]: http://docs.python.org/reference/expressions.html#tok-slicing
In case anyone (as I was) is looking for ways to attack a list (or a list of lists) with a list of slices, here are 5 ways to get a list of elements from a list that are selected by a list of slices and 2 ways to do the same thing to a list of lists, in that case applying one slice per list. The output's in a comment at the end. I find h5, the example that uses nested for loops, the hardest to understand if meaningful variable names aren't used (updated).
#!/usr/bin/env python
import itertools
puz = [(i + 100) for i in range(40)]
puz1 = list( puz)
puz2 = [(i + 200) for i in range(40)]
puz3 = [(i + 300) for i in range(40)]
puzs = [puz1,puz2,puz3]
sa = slice( 0,1,1)
sb = slice( 30,39,4)
sc = slice( -1, -15,-5)
ss = [sa,sb,sc]
def mapfunc( a,b):
return a[b]
f = map( mapfunc,[puz] * len(ss),ss)
print "f = ", f #same as g below
g = [ puz[i]
for i in ss ]
print "g = ",g #same as f, above
h1 = [ i
for i in itertools.chain( puz[sa],puz[sb],puz[sc]) ]
print "h1 = ", h1 #right
h2 = [ i
for i in itertools.chain( *(map( mapfunc,[puz] * len(ss),ss))) ]
print "h2 = ",h2 #right
h3 = [ i
for i in itertools.chain( *f) ]
print "h3 = ",h3 #right
h4 = [ i
for i in itertools.chain( *g) ]
print "h4 = ", h4 #also right
h5 = []
for slice_object in ss:
for list_element in puz[slice_object]:
h5.append( list_element)
print "h5 = ", h5 #right, too
print "=============================="
hh1 = [ i
for i in itertools.chain( *(map( mapfunc,puzs,ss))) ]
print "hh1 = ",hh1 #right
puz_s_pairs = zip( puzs,ss)
#print "puz_s_pairs = ",puz_s_pairs
hh2 = [ i
for i in itertools.chain( *(map( mapfunc,*zip( *puz_s_pairs)))) ]
print "hh2 = ",hh2 #right
>>> execfile(r'D:/cygwin/home/usr01/wrk/py/pyexpts/list_of_slices_of_list.02.py')
f = [[100], [130, 134, 138], [139, 134, 129]]
g = [[100], [130, 134, 138], [139, 134, 129]]
h1 = [100, 130, 134, 138, 139, 134, 129]
h2 = [100, 130, 134, 138, 139, 134, 129]
h3 = [100, 130, 134, 138, 139, 134, 129]
h4 = [100, 130, 134, 138, 139, 134, 129]
h5 = [100, 130, 134, 138, 139, 134, 129]
hh1 = [100, 230, 234, 238, 339, 334, 329]
hh2 = [100, 230, 234, 238, 339, 334, 329]