I'm using Eclipse Galileo with a kind of well known plugins to develop Java Enterprise Applications. Now having a Java Project, Eclipse writes the following line to the .classpath file in the projects root folder:
<classpathentry kind="con"
path="org.eclipse.jst.server.core.container/org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.runtimeTarget/JBoss v4.2"/>
Now I'm wondering where does Eclipse get the information about the server name from?
I opened the Server Runtime Environment (Window->Preferences->Server->Runtime Environment
) and added a new Server (Jboss v4.2 - as the classpath-entry shows). Creating a new local server I can provide a name for it and added it to the Java Build Path of the project. But I need to manipulate the name in the Runtime Environment since the classpath entry seems to refer to that.
Why am I bothering? I need to be able to have control of the entry in the .classpath file since the project folder is being shared using subversion ...
I hope you get the idea - thanks a lot in advance