



I am creating a simple Blackjack game in Ruby, and I have finished all the game logic stuff (finally!) and currently have it running through the command line. It is all working, so now I need a library or gem that will make the whole graphics side of things easier. Any ideas? Thanks.

+4  A: 

Maybe you could try to use Gosu which is a 2D game development library for the Ruby and C++ programming languages, available for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.

Available as a gem. More information here

You can also watch a fun presentation I saw in Barcelona during Euruko (ruby conference). Available Here

Aurélien Bottazzini
+3  A: 

As well as Gosu, mentioned elsewhere, there's Rubygame which also appears to be regularly updated.

No opinion on either, suggested as an alternative for comparison.

Mike Woodhouse
I have been using Rubygame for a while. It looks it is enough for a hobby project in 2D. I haven't try to do something bigger.
+1  A: 

Shoes would be a good candidate, it's very lightweight, cross platform & fun to use.

It has a nice ruby API which you can use to draw shapes and use native GUI widgets.
