Hi at all... I have a complicated problem and I hope to explain it clearly possible...
I have 2 list. On my jsp I have a nested iteration with this 2 lists, inside this there is a tag.
This is the code:
<s:iterator value="listSurveyToRender" var="s" status="counterS">
<s:iterator value="listSurveyValuesToRender" var="sv" status="counterSv" >
<s:if test="%{#s.idsurvey==#sv.survey.idsurvey}">
<td><s:radio list="sv" listValue="valoreTesto" name="provaRadio1" />
This is the result of this jsp:
Question 1: (first iterator)
resp 1: (second iterator)
resp 2:
resp 3:
Question 2: (first iterator)
resp 1: (second iterator)
resp 2:
The problem is that, when I select the radio, because the list is unique for all, the selection exclude the others...
I need to restrict this exclusion on the second iterator.