



Hi there,

i am trying to do a groupby in linq, basically i have a list ( along list - around 1000 entries) and i wish to groupby Description.

The entries are vehicles, so hence there are 50 or so Ford Mondeos

My query is pretty simple, no joins (yet :-) ) but it brings back a list including 50 Ford Mondeos, i wanted it to group them so there is only 1 entry.

I am only selecting Description, i am not selecting the IDs which would be different, but in LinqPad it returns the desc and i can see 50 ford mondeos that are all the same in description - letter for letter.

What am i doing wrong?

from v in dc.Vehicles
   group v by v.Description into g1
from y in g1
   orderby y.Description 
select new
     Desc = y.Description 


It now brings back just 1 record for each ford mondeo, this was my test to ensure it worked but i need to expand on this, again it should only bring back 1 record each for ford mondeo as i have checked they all have same number of doors, categor, model id etc..

from v in dc.Vehicles
  group v by v.Description into g1
orderby g1.Key
  select new
     Desc = g1.Key,
     CategoryId = g1.CategoryId,
     MakeId = g1.MakeId,
     ModelId = g1.ModelId,
     Doors = g1.Doors,

Of the course the above doesn't work it doesn't find all the other fields i.e. CategoryId... i tried separating the group by and adding a comma for the other fields..

I think i have a little confusion over the key, i understand that this is the key but if you are grouping on more than 1 fields then potentially you would have more than 1 key..

Any ideas?

+4  A: 

You're using a second "from" which is causing the problem. Try this:

from v in dc.Vehicles
group v by v.Description into g1
orderby g1.Key
select new
     Desc = g1.Key

Conceptually, a group like this consists of a "sequence of sequences" - one subsequence per group, with all the items matching that group. Each subsequence has a key - the description in this case.

Your "from" clause was basically saying, "for each group, get me all the elements in the group" - effectively ungrouping them again :) Typically you'd perform some sort of aggregation on the group, e.g. for the final part:

select new
     Desc = g1.Key,
     Oldest = g1.Min(x => x.Date),
     Newest = g1.Max(x => x.Date)

EDIT: To group on more than one field, use an anonymous type:

group v by new { v.Description, v.Doors, v.Model } into g1

That anonymous type will then form the key.

To get any field within a record, you could try:

select new { RandomField = g1.First().RandomField, Description = g1.Key, // etc }

That logically takes the first record in the subsequence. I don't know whether it'll work for LINQ to SQL though - I know it would in LINQ to Objects, but I've no idea what the SQL equivalent would be. Even if it does work, it may well be incredibly expensive. I suspect that grouping by a composite key (via an anonymous type) is the way to go here.

Jon Skeet
Thanks Jon, a big help! .this worked great, it brings back 1 record for all ford mondeos, I don't fully understand key, but can i group on my than 1 field in Linq like in sql? Then what happens to key? I will update my question to show you what i am doing
mark smith
Question updated
mark smith
I did get this to work but is this the best way of doing it? a select within a select?? CategoryId = g1.Select(x => x.CategoryId) . I must admit it worked... SO am i forced to call the method select to get a field with the grouping?? And of course what if 1 mondeo as 5 dorrs and 1 has 4 doors but with the same description - i would need 2 records as technically they are different which is why it seems to me you should be able to group on more than 1 field, I think i am still stuck in sql world :-) !!!
mark smith
Wow - thanks jon! Yep now i see you get extra properties off the .KEY .. this is really great... a big big thank you!!!
mark smith

Group bys are not used to get unique rows, but to group columns when there are aggregate expressions like sum, avg, count, and so forth.

Thank bpayne, yes a bit of an error with my terminology there, thanks for the correction
mark smith
+1  A: 

If you just want the keys (the fields you're grouped on) you need to do something like this...

from v in dc.Vehicles
   group v by v.Description into g1
select g1.Key;
Jason Punyon