Hi All,
How do I get C# to force bitmap images that are saved to be saved as 24-bit images as can be seen when you get the right-click properties of the image in Windows. All the images I save are set to 32-bit. I tried the below code with no luck. The source images are all 24-bit as well but are always saved as 32-bit images.
ImageCodecInfo bmpCodec = FindEncoder(ImageFormat.Bmp);
EncoderParameters parameters = new EncoderParameters();
parameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.ColorDepth, 24);
imgCheque.Save(DestinationFile.ToString(), bmpCodec, parameters);
The images have to be properly 24 bit as the are read by a different program that can't handle 32-bit images.
Thanks in advance,