I've seen a few implementations of popen()/pclose(). They all used a static list of pids, and no locking:
static int *pids;
static int fds;
if (!pids) {
if ((fds = getdtablesize()) <= 0)
return (NULL);
if ((pids = malloc(fds * sizeof(int))) == NULL)
return (NULL);
memset(pids, 0, fds * sizeof(int));
Or this, supposedly NetBSD:
static struct pid {
struct pid *next;
FILE *fp;
pid_t pid;
} *pidlist;
/* Link into list of file descriptors. */
cur->fp = iop;
cur->pid = pid;
cur->next = pidlist;
pidlist = cur;
Is it what it looks like - a not thread safe implementation? Or am I missing something obvious?