Hello everyone !
For almost a year know, i developped applications in EJB3/JPA for persistence and business and Seam/JSF for presentation.
I had an idea for a desktop app, but i don't know what to use.
Using an embedded jboss would be the easy thing, because i don't have to change the way i code, but it's not realistic, and i don't think it would work well.
So, is there someone who could show me the path to a good and easy to do desktop app ?
Thanks :)
Edit : I think i'm not clear enough, sorry.
I don't need the list of possible options for GUI or Data Access or Business layers, but the easiest ones when you know ejb3 jpa seam jsf etc..
EDIT 2 : really i was tired :p Seeing all the different answers i realized i should have been more explicit about what i want, sorry!
I want to develop, for a personnal interest, a desktop application, standalone, for one user with embedded database like hsql, and pack it like any .exe application. There is no connection to the internet, it really is local.
I know java is probably not the best way to do that kind of app, but i can't take the time to learn C# as well as i know java.
So, i know JPA/Hibernate, EJB3 and the only way i know doing GUI is webGUI.
I know i can't use ejb and web in a desktop/local/standalone app, so i know i will have to learn new frameworks.
Right now, it seems that Spring + JPA + Swing should do the trick, but i was afraid the transition between what i already know and those framework would be too time consuming.
My app is rather small, i'd say one week of work, so the learning part can't take 2 or 3 months..
Using jpa, which i already know would be cool. Spring does basically the same things ejb3 does. I still don't know about Swing.
Anyway, i am really sorry i asked my question the wrong way.
Any advice is welcomed
Thanks again
EDIT 3 :
i searched, and i found that Adobe Air fits with what i want for the front, more than Swing does : the ui part (mxml) is very similar to jsf, and i can use css for styling and branding my app.
I still don't know what to use for the java part between plain java or spring, though.
(sorry it took so long decide)