I'm trying to read a list of items from a text file and format with square brackets and separators like this: ['item1','item2', .... 'last_item'] but I'm having trouble with the beginning and end item for which I always get: ...,'last_item','], so I do not want the last ,' to be there.
In python I've write:
out_list = "['"
for line in open(file_in):
out_list += line #append the item to the list
out_accession_list += "','" #add the separator
out_accession_list += "]" #add the final closed bracket
return out_list
I realize that this is a basic loop question, but I can't think of the best way to do it. Should I use a try final statement, should it be a while loop, or should I count the number of lines first and then use a loop with a range?
Help much appreciated.
Thanks, John