Hello everyone...I do have a hw question...I have to write a remove method for a binary search tree, so far what I have is below but I keep getting a bunch of errors associated with my remove method and I'm not sure why...would someone please be able to check my code. Thank You. I also tried to create a find method but I'm having some trouble with that as well...that is all the way at the bottom of my remove code.
import java.util.*;
class TreeNode383<E extends Comparable> {
private E data;
private TreeNode383<E> left;
private TreeNode383<E> right;
private TreeNode383<E> parent;
public TreeNode383( ) { left = right = parent = null; }
public TreeNode383( E d, TreeNode383 <E> l, TreeNode383 <E> r,
TreeNode383 <E> p) {
data = d;
left = l;
right = r;
parent = p;
public E getData( ) { return data; }
public void setData(E d) { data = d; }
public TreeNode383<E> getLeft( ) { return left; }
public void setLeft(TreeNode383<E> l) { left = l; }
public TreeNode383<E> getRight( ) { return right; }
public void setRight(TreeNode383<E> r) { right = r; }
public TreeNode383<E> getParent( ) { return parent; }
public void setParent(TreeNode383<E> p) { parent = p; }
public String toString( ) {
String answer = "";
if (left != null) answer += left.toString( );
answer += data + " ";
if (right != null) answer += right.toString( );
return answer;
**The start of my remove method**
boolean remove (E obj)
if(root == obj)
return false;
//when deleting a leaf just delete it
else if(obj.getleft == NULL && obj.getright == NULL)
parent = obj = NULL;
//when deleting an interior node with 1 child
//replace that node with the child
else if(obj.getleft == NULL && obj.getright != NULL)
obj.setright = new TreeNode383<E>(newData, null, null, null);
else if(obj.getleft != NULL && obj.getright == NULL
obj.setleft = new TreeNode383<E>(newData, null, null, null);
//when deleting an interior node with 2 children
//find left most node in right subtree,
//promote it to replace the deleted node
//promote its child to replace where it was
private BinaryNode findMin( BinaryNode t )
if( t == null )
return null;
else if( t.left == null )
return t;
return findMin( t.left );