





I was writing a small Heap implementation and upon creating my Node class I noticed some weird behaviour. I wanted to call defined?(x) to ensure x was defined, then check if x was an Integer, before storing it in the Node's value class variable. In IRB I can call defined?(x) and the result is nil.

However, in the class, I try this:

def change_value value
  @value = value if defined?(value)

and the result when I call the change_value with a random letter, let's say 'e', is the standard undefined local variable or method error. Again, in IRB it seems to work fine and I am wondering if I have some kind of environment issue or if this is not the 'best' way to check if value is really there.



Would it have to do with calling the method from the class instance and not the object instance?

+1  A: 

This isn't the best way to check if it's really there. If change_value is called without providing any parameters, you would get:

ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)

Instead, you might want to check to make sure value is not nil. Of course you can do this a variety of ways:

if !value.nil?

if value
  # this will be exeuted if value is either not `nil` or not `false`

Best of luck!

+7  A: 

(Edit: DigitalRoss has since cleaned up the question's formatting, so the comment on formatting and the initial re-write may no longer apply. I'll leave them in until I get some feedback from the OP.)

That's a nearly unreadable way to write a method and it doesn't even parse on my machine (Ruby 1.8.7).

I'm assuming you mean the following:

def change_value(value)
  @value = value if defined?(value)

This works fine when I call it, but it's incorrect. nil and undefined are two different beasts in Ruby; value will always be defined in that context because it's a declared method parameter. I suspect what you are really after is:

def change_value(value)
  @value = value unless value.nil?

Note that some people would simply write this as:

def change_value(value)
  @value = value if value

because nil is "falsy". However, this form conflates nil and false, so it's not a good habit to get into.

+1 for the last example.
Simone Carletti